Free Amazon ACOS Calculator

Our Free Amazon ACOS Calculator allows you to effortlessly determine your advertising cost of sales (ACOS) and break-even ACOS. Simply input your total ad spend and sales to calculate your ACOS, or enter your sale price, cost of goods, and Amazon fees to find your break-even ACOS.

1.What is Amazon Advertising Cost of Sales (ACOS)?

Amazon Advertising ACOS (Advertising Cost of Sales) is a crucial metric that measures the efficiency of your Amazon advertising campaigns. It is calculated by dividing your ad spend by your total sales and multiplying the result by 100 to get a percentage. The formula for ACOS is:


ACOS = (Ad Spend / Total Sales) * 100


Example: If you spend $50 on ads and generate $200 in sales from those ads, your ACOS would be:


ACOS = ($50 / $200) * 100 = 25%


This means that 25% of your sales revenue goes towards your advertising costs. You can use our Amazon ACOS calculator to calculate your ACOS.

2. What is a Good ACOS on Amazon

Generally, your ACOS should ideally be at a maximum of 30%, but better at 25% or lower. The lower your ACOS, the more efficient your ad spend.


However, it’s important to note that ACOS alone does not depict profitability. For instance, you could be profitable at 100% ACOS if your product margins are very high, and you could be at a loss with a 40% ACOS if your margins are thin.


Always consider your Total Advertising Cost of Sales (TACOS) to gauge overall profitability. 

3. What is Amazon Breakeven ACOS?

Breakeven ACOS is the ACOS at which your ad spend equals your profit margin, meaning you neither gain nor lose money from your advertising efforts. It is calculated using the formula:


Breakeven ACOS = [(Sale Price – Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) – Amazon Fees) / Sale Price] * 100


Example: If your product sale price is $100, the cost of goods sold (COGS) is $40, and the Amazon fees are $10, your breakeven ACOS would be:


Breakeven ACOS = [($100 – $40 – $10) / $100] * 100 = 50%


This means that if your ACOS is below 50%, you are making a profit on your ads; if it’s above 50%, you are losing money. You can use our Amazon ACOS calculator to calculate your breakeven ACOS.

4. Why Should I Calculate Breakeven ACOS?

Calculating your breakeven ACOS is essential to understanding the financial impact of your advertising campaigns. If your advertising ACOS is greater than your breakeven ACOS, your ads are operating at a loss.


Conversely, if your ACOS is less than your breakeven ACOS, your PPC ads are profitable. This metric helps you set realistic ACOS targets and optimize your ad spend for profitability.

Advertising ACOS > Breakeven ACOS = Amazon ads are at loss


Advertising ACOS < Breakeven ACOS = Ads are profitable

5. How Can I Lower My ACOS?

Lowering your ACOS involves a combination of strategic ad management and optimization efforts. As rule of thumb, anything that improves your conversion would directly lower your ACOS. Here are some effective strategies:


Optimize Your Keywords: Use highly relevant and specific keywords to target your ads. Regularly review and adjust your keyword bids to ensure you’re not overspending on low-conversion keywords.


Improve Your Product Listings: Enhance your product titles, descriptions, and images to improve your click-through rate (CTR) and conversion rate. Better product listings attract more qualified buyers, reducing your ACOS.


Utilize Negative Keywords: Identify and exclude irrelevant or low-converting keywords that trigger your ads but do not lead to sales. This helps in focusing your ad spend on high-performing keywords.


Adjust Your Bidding Strategy: Experiment with different bidding strategies to find the most cost-effective approach.


Monitor and Analyze Performance: Regularly review your campaign performance metrics to identify areas of improvement. Use Amazon’s reporting tools to gain insights into which ads are driving the most sales at the lowest cost.


Increase Your Product Reviews: Positive reviews and high ratings can significantly impact your conversion rate. Encourage satisfied customers to leave reviews, and promptly address any negative feedback.

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About Ecom Brainly

Ecom Brainly – A Full-Service Amazon agency that focuses on Sustainable Growth and Profitability for Our Partners (clients).


We been selling on Amazon since 2017 and has had to adapt for every change that Amazon has made along the way.   Amazon is an ever changing marketplace and Ecom Brainly has his team ready to handle any and every challenge.


Is your brand having challenges with growth, profitability, advertising, reporting etc – If yes, please contact us today!

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